Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy to Play vs. Responsibility to League

NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, finally made statement that I appreciate. The statement was that Adam “Pacman” Jones needs to understand his RESPONSIBILITY when playing in the NFL. That is a much different statement than what most everyone else has made, which is that Pacman should be HAPPY to play in the NFL.

There are fewer than 1800 players in the NFL. There at approximately 60 million people in the US between the ages of 20 and 35. That means that .003% of the US population plays in the NFL. That is a smaller percentage than doctors, lawyers, CEO, or just about any other profession…outside of another professional sport. Pacman, and every other professional athlete, had to work extremely hard to reach the top of his profession. In addition, the number of professional athletes is a fixed number (unless additional teams are added). But because the vast majority of skill positions in the NFL are Black, they should be happy they can play and make millions. For every Black person in America that is an offensive statement. It is an offensive statement to say that any player, regardless of race, should be happy that they are allowed to play in the NFL. The statement might as well be, “You are a dumb athlete. Be happy you make a good living.” No one says a magna or summa cum laude graduate should be happy when he/she is hired into a prestigious law firm or medical practice, etc. That number is likely the number of NFL draft picks that make an NFL team each year.

Each player in the league has a RESPONSIBILITY to conduct themselves in a manner which represents the league well. This is no different than what is expected from an employee of any organization. Adam “Pacman” Jones should have been happy that he was allowed to CONTINUE to play in the league after numerous legal issues. He should have been gone a long time ago, but every professional athlete should be PROUD he is the best at his given profession.


Apolitical Romeo

Cleveland Browns coach, Romeo Crennel, barred his team from speaking politics in the locker room and the practice field. It was absolutely the right thing for Crennel to do. There is nothing good that can come from speaking politics in the locker room. My brother and I had a fight and we are both for Barack. It is not hard to imagine a fight breaking out between the strong willed Kellen Winslow and Midwesterner Joe Thomas debating McCain and Obama.

It was great in the 60’s and 70’s when our athletes took a political stand, but that is not what we are talking about here. When Jim Brown walked into a locker room, all his teammates knew where he stood…not to mention he was fighting for basic civil rights, not the merits of Blacks vs Whites. No matter how we try to avoid it, for a large percentage of Americans, this Presidential election is about Race and Gender. It is great that the Cleveland Browns have players who are more than dumb jocks, but only religion is as divisive as Race. With the state of the economy, the war in Iraq, tension with Iran and North Korea, and first Black President or female Vice-President, this is the most significant Presidential election since WWII, maybe ever. The good thing is this shows that all athletes are not dumb jocks, they are people with opinions. They just need to go to a bar, have a beer, and yell at each other like the rest of us.


Parity in the NFL

There are no really good teams this year in the NFL. In fact, there are only a few good teams. Last year the Colts, and Chargers (at least by season end), Cowboys and maybe even the Jags were really good. The Patriots were the greatest offensive team in the history of the NFL. Ironically, none of those teams won the Super Bowl, that honor went to the NY Giants. There isn’t a single team in 2008 that is better than even the Jags of 2007, and yes that includes the undefeated Tennessee Titans.

There are major flaws with every team in 2008. Lets look at the top team, the Titans. The Titans defense looks great, but they have not played even a decent offense. The Ravens defense was great after 3 weeks and Indy exposed them. I predict the same will happen with the Titans. The offense for Tennessee is no different. They have no passing game with Vince Young or Kerry Collins. With 3 major injuries and no professional experience, I think I can make the roster at WR. The rushing attack is good, but don’t be fooled by the game against week opponents. Against the Ravens and Vikes, they rushed for 44 and 76 yards respectively. When they play a complete team, they will be exposed. Their schedule is week so they could still win 12 games, but they will not be the AFC representative in the Super Bowl.

Being a Steelers fan it hurts to say this, but we (as all fans know, you are part of your team) are not great either. I do believe we are currently the best team in the AFC, but the Chargers and Colts scare me. We have played 3 teams with .500 records, but none with a winning record. We will beat the Titans, but as the season goes on and the Chargers and Colts get healthy, our O-line woes could be trouble. The murderous 4-game stretch (Giants, Redskins, Colts, and Chargers) will define our season. If we go 4-0, then we will be Super Bowl favorites.

I save the reigning Super Bowl Champs for last. The Giants have a great rushing attack, a very good passing attack, and a good defense. Top to bottom, I think they are the most complete team in the league…I just don’t trust them. They had a great run last year to win the Super Bowl, but the defense loses (injuries, free agency, and retirement) will hurt. A team that runs a 3-4 defense and has a good rushing attack will give them trouble. As things stand now, I am predicting a Steelers victory of the Giants in the Super Bowl.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Pansy League

Troy Polamalu said that the NFL is turning into a pansy league. TheGapMan happens to agree. The number of pass interferences, roughing the passer, and personal fouls indicates the statement is true. I, being a Steelers fan, am frustrated to no end. The NFL was built on tough, hard nosed, smash mouth, snot bubble, and hard hitting action. Hall of Famers Mel Blount, Dick Butkus, and Ronnie Lott would not be allowed on the field today. The league wants “throwback” players with respect to playing through injury and loyalty to teams, but now throwback players like Hines Ward are fined for legal hits. The point of American Football is to pound your opponent until they mentally and/or physically submit. That is how you win games. If you want finesse and speed, watch Futbol.

Please stop the argument that the league is concerned about players’ health. That is like saying Bill Gates is concerned about the health of one of thousands of Microsoft’s employees. Of course you don’t wish harm to any employee or person overall, but the league is not concerned about player health. They are, however, concerned about how a player’s health will impact their finances. I hope this isn’t the case, but if Brady’s injury is career threatening, the Patriots will loses millions over the next several years. Brady is one of the most marketable players in the NFL and one of the most successful on the field. No Brady means no playoffs for New England and one less face-of-the-NFL. So, yes Goodell cares about Brady, but only as he impacts the financial success of the NFL.

You can also stop the argument that players are bigger, stronger, and faster than before. Yes that is the case, but equipment is infinitely better than before. There is a concussion limiting helmet that isn’t mandatory in the league. Rib protectors aren’t required, nor are neck braces. All this equipment would make a player safer, but none are required. As humans develop, so does human technology. So, just strap up and get ready for some football…American Football!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Rose vs. Beasley

Derrick Rose will be a very good NBA point guard. He has the talent and physical ability to be an all-time great, but he will never crack the top 5 and likely not the top 10. If you look at the top 5 point guards in the history of the NBA (Magic, the Big O, Isaiah, Stockton, and Chris Paul if he continues) they were all leaders of their teams from day 1. Except for Stockton, they were/are the biggest personality and voice of the team. Derrick Rose was not even the leader of Memphis. My prediction for Rose’s career is a Joe Dumars without Isaiah having the ball so often. Statistically that means 17 points, 8 assists, 4 rebounds, and 3 turnovers. His size and quickness will provide for good defense and he will eventually become a good leader. In the East he should be a perennial All-Star and maybe a Hall-of-Famer.

Michael Beasley will be a good NBA Forward. He is less athletic than Rose, but has more basketball skill at this point. Beasley will be a better scoring Derrick Coleman (with the Nets)…3-5 more points per game as long as he remains interested. I don’t buy into the “character” issues scouts spoke about, but I do believe there will be personality conflicts. Beasley is skilled, but he is no Dwayne Wade. This could become a problem because Beasley is a dominating personality. In 3-4 years we will see Shaq and Kobe…before Colorado.

Derrick Rose will have the better career, though not statistically, but Beasley will have the more immediate impact. The Heat will challenge the Celtics’ record for greatest turnaround with a healthy Wade, Beasley, and Marion. The Heat will challenge for home court in the playoffs. The Bulls may challenge for the playoffs, but that is because I am not sold on the Wizards, Hawks, and Sixers. If they do make the playoff, they will be a 7 or 8 seed.

Rose will have the better career, but the Bulls should have drafted Beasley. Beasley would have given them more options and more wins this year. Drafting Beasley would have made Gooden, Noah, Thomas (and their reasonable contracts) all trade assets. Imagine Hinrich and Noah in a sign in trade for Baron Davis. The Bulls starting roster would be Davis, Hughes, Deng, Beasley, and Thomas. With Gordon, Gooden, and Nocioni coming off the bench, the Bulls have a deep talented roster. That would be a better team than the current Bulls roster (Hinrich, Hughes, Deng, Gooden, Noah) and they are in a position to succeed in the future.


Manny Hasn’t Done Anything Wrong

Leave Manny Ramirez alone. He didn’t do anything different than many of us have done in our careers. How many times have you been perfectly healthy and called out of work? How many times have you gone to work, only to work 6 of the 8 hours expected of you? Fans seem to forget this that is a job for professional athletes. Professional sports became big business a long time ago.

Manny has spent most of his life practicing, working out, and studying film to become a MLB player, even more a first ballot Hall of Famer. Most of us have nowhere near the dedication to our craft as Manny. SO WHAT if he is not loyal to Boston. When we no longer enjoy our work environment, we look to find another employer. Why should it be any different for professional athletes?

Sports fans say Manny has no right to complain when he is getting paid $20million. I say SO WHAT!!! Yes, $20million is a lot of money to the middle-class sports fan, but that is what the market pays. Look at corporate CEOs. Many make at least as much as Manny and most aren’t half as successful. Manny is without a doubt one of the top three right hand hitters of all-time. If you look at the state of the US economy, we wouldn’t classify any CEO as “the greatest”.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Josh Howard - Star Spangled Banner

By now most everyone has seen the YouTube video of Josh Howard stating that he doesn’t celebrate the National Anthem (in a bit more colorful language). As expected, he has taken a lot of heat for the comment. I have a few questions that everyone should ponder before judging Howard’s statements. First, what does the National Anthem (and the US Flag for that matter) stand for?

1. the citizens of the US
2. the freedoms democracy provides
3. the government of the US
4. all the above
5. none of the above

The answer to this question is important when assessing how the Anthem is viewed, specifically by African Americans. As a history lesson, the Star Spangled Banner was written during the War of 1812. This was a war between the US, Great Britain and BG’s colonies. As the lyrics suggest, it was a rallying song after a battle. African Americans were forced to fight in this war, though we were still slaves and enjoyed no freedoms. You could see why the song may not inspire a tearful outpouring of joy for African Americans. While White Americans were fighting for free trade and wealth during the War of 1812, African Americans were still hoping not to be killed for learning to read. In fact, soon after African Americans were freed we adopted “Lift Every Voice and Sing” as our unofficial National Anthem.

My second question is why should Howard have unwavering love for America? The first thing people say is that he made $9 million last year living in America playing basketball. I say “so what”, and “good for him”. Josh Howard was born into poverty, and he and his family lived in those conditions until he was drafted at the age of 23. So for 23 of 28 years, Howard was one of the children that were “left behind”. The NBA, like any other business, hires the best employee. The US didn’t give Howard $9 million. His hard work, natural athletic ability (a product of 300-400 years of selective breeding of African Americans during slavery) is what earned him an NBA contract. There are many Americans working for International companies. Josh Childress just signed a contract with a Greek team. Is he now required to LOVE Greece? After having success in the US, no US company would pay him what he was worth. Should he now hate America?

I am a Black man who stands up when the National Anthem is played. I have traveled to many countries around the world and KNOW the US to be the best country on the planet. That doesn’t mean the US is without problems, nor does it mean that I have to like and accept everything about it. If that were the case the NBA and NFL would be boring, and Babe Ruth would still be the Home Run King. So, before you blindly crucify Josh Howard, at least learn the history…then tell him that he is an idiot for making the statement on camera. That comment and the weed smoking statement may prevent him from making $9 million a year going forward!!!
